Below are records for all fundraising events held thus far. All funds go to upcoming field trips and events, as well as the running of this website and other necessary resources. Thank you to all those who have donated or aided in any fundraising events (all below funds are dispersed between foundation bank account and Interact account used for organization).
- November-December 2023: San Rafael Chirstmas Tree Lot—$3,375.31
- April 6, 2024: Quinceanera Setup and Takedown—$400.00
- January 17, 2024: Gott’s Roadside Dine and Donate—$1796
- 2024 Elks Lodge Tips From Events—$475.00
- September 16, 2023: Quinceanera Setup—$200.00
- September 23, 2023: Wedding Take Down-$200.00
*More Recent Events/Funds Raised Soon to be Added and Updated*